
smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes

HSK 4 #967


烟 yān
  • cigarette or pipe tobacco
  • CL:根[gen1]
  • smoke
  • mist
  • vapour
  • CL:縷|缕[lu:3]
  • tobacco plant
  • (of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke


烟 stroke order diagram
烟 stroke order animation


chōu yān to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
chuī yān smoke from kitchen chimneys
花爆竹 yān huā bào zhú fireworks
xiāng yān cigarette; smoke from burning incense; CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
xī yān to smoke
雾 yān wù smoke; mist; vapor; smog; fumes
草 yān cǎo tobacco
花 yān huā fireworks; prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)
jiè yān to give up smoking
mào yān to discharge smoke; to fume with rage
囱 yān cōng chimney
火 yān huǒ smoke and fire; fireworks
灰缸 yān huī gāng ashtray
斗 yān dǒu (smoking) pipe
一溜 yī liù yān like a wisp of smoke; (to disappear etc) in an instant
头 yān tóu cigarette butt; fag-end; CL:根[gen1]
消云散 yān xiāo yún sàn to vanish like smoke in thin air; to disappear
nóng yān thick smoke
枪 yān qiāng opium pipe
灰飞灭 huī fēi yān miè lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom); fig. to be annihilated; to vanish in a puff of smoke
鬼 yān guǐ heavy smoker; chain smoker
灰 yān huī cigarette ash
瘴气 wū yān zhàng qì billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil
酒 yān jiǔ tobacco and alcohol
过眼云 guò yǎn yún yān ephemeral (idiom)
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