HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 812th character |
RADICAL | ⼴ (53.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2025 |
seat; stand, base
- seat
- stand, base
- seat
- base
- stand
- CL:個|个[ge4]
- classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects

座位 zuò wèi | seat; CL:個|个[ge4] |
讲座 jiǎng zuò | a course of lectures; CL:個|个[ge4] |
座右铭 zuò yòu míng | motto; maxim |
插座 chā zuò | socket; outlet |
后座 hòu zuò | empress's throne; (fig.) first place in a feminine competition; back seat; pillion |
在座 zài zuò | to be present |
星座 xīng zuò | constellation; astrological sign; CL:張|张[zhang1] |
猎户座 liè hù zuò | Orion (constellation) |
座椅 zuò yǐ | seat |
宝座 bǎo zuò | throne |
座机 zuò jī | fixed phone; private plane |
入座 rù zuò | to seat (sb in a restaurant etc); to take one's seat |
座标 zuò biāo | see 坐標|坐标[zuo4 biao1] |
座谈会 zuò tán huì | conference; symposium; rap session |
卖座 mài zuò | (of a movie, show etc) to attract large audiences |
底座 dǐ zuò | base; pedestal; foundation |
银座 yín zuò | Ginza (district in Tokyo) |
狮子座 shī zi zuò | Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
座谈 zuò tán | to have an informal discussion; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4] |
双子座 shuāng zǐ zuò | Gemini (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
天蝎座 tiān xiē zuò | Scorpio or Scorpius (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
满座 mǎn zuò | fully booked; every seat taken |
天秤座 tiān chèng zuò | Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
金牛座 jīn niú zuò | Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac) |
座无虚席 zuò wú xū xí | lit. a banquet with no empty seats; full house; capacity crowd; standing room only |