HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 391st character |
RADICAL | ⼋ (12.6) |
INDEX # | 1077 |
tool, implement; draw up, write
具 jù |

家具 jiā jù | furniture; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4] |
玩具 wán jù | plaything; toy |
工具 gōng jù | tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc) |
具体 jù tǐ | concrete; definite; specific |
具备 jù bèi | to possess; to have; equipped with; able to fulfill (conditions or requirements) |
文具 wén jù | stationery; item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc) |
具有 jù yǒu | to have; to possess |
面具 miàn jù | mask |
道具 dào jù | prop (theater); paraphernalia; (gaming) item; artifact |
餐具 cān jù | tableware; dinner service |
工具箱 gōng jù xiāng | toolbox |
用具 yòng jù | appliance; utensil; gear; equipment |
防毒面具 fáng dú miàn jù | gas mask |
器具 qì jù | implement; ware |
刀具 dāo jù | cutting tool |
渔具 yú jù | fishing gear |
模具 mú jù | mold; matrix; pattern or die; Taiwan pr. [mo2 ju4] |
刑具 xíng jù | punishment equipment; torture instrument |
厨具 chú jù | kitchen implements |
兼具 jiān jù | to combine; to have both |
茶具 chá jù | tea set; tea service |
出具 chū jù | to issue (document, certificate etc); to provide |
别具一格 bié jù yī gé | having a unique or distinctive style |
挽具 wǎn jù | harness |
钓具 diào jù | fishing tackle |