HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1178th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 966 |
draw out, pull out; sprout
抽 chōu |

抽烟 chōu yān | to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco) |
抽屉 chōu ti | drawer |
抽象 chōu xiàng | abstract; abstraction; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
抽出 chōu chū | to take out; to extract |
抽筋 chōu jīn | cramp; charley horse; to pull a tendon |
抽空 chōu kòng | to find the time to do sth |
抽搐 chōu chù | to twitch |
抽签 chōu qiān | to perform divination with sticks; to draw lots; a ballot (in share dealing) |
抽身 chōu shēn | to get away from; to withdraw; to free oneself |
抽血 chōu xuè | to take blood; to draw blood (e.g. for a test) |
抽奖 chōu jiǎng | to draw a prize; a lottery; a raffle |
抽取 chōu qǔ | to extract; to remove; to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc) |
抽打 chōu dǎ | to whip; to flog; to thrash |
抽动 chōu dòng | to twitch; to throb; a spasm; to extract and use |
抽泣 chōu qì | to sob spasmodically |
抽查 chōu chá | random inspection; to do a spot check |
抽风 chōu fēng | to ventilate; to induce a draft; spasm; convulsion |
抽水马桶 chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng | flush toilet |
抽样 chōu yàng | sample; sampling |
抽丝 chōu sī | to spin silk |
抽调 chōu diào | to transfer (personnel or material) |
抽水机 chōu shuǐ jī | water pump |
抽头 chōu tóu | to take a percentage of the winnings (in gambling); tap (in an electromagnetic coil); drawer (of a desk etc) |
抽噎 chōu yē | to sob |
抽检 chōu jiǎn | sampling; spot check; random test |