
draw out, pull out; sprout

HSK 4 #1178


抽 chōu
  • to draw out
  • to pull out from in between
  • to remove part of the whole
  • (of certain plants) to sprout or bud
  • to whip or thrash


抽 stroke order diagram
抽 stroke order animation


风机 chōu fēng jī exhaust fan
一口气 dào chōu yī kǒu qì to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)
一口氣 dào chōu yī kǒu qì to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)
幸运奖 xìng yùn chōu jiǎng lucky draw; lottery
幸運獎 xìng yùn chōu jiǎng lucky draw; lottery
慈善奖 cí shàn chōu jiǎng a raffle (for charity)
慈善獎 cí shàn chōu jiǎng a raffle (for charity)
zhǎo chōu (coll.) to look for trouble
中 chōu zhòng to win (a prize in a lottery)
冷子 chōu lěng zi (coll.) unexpectedly
動 chōu dòng to twitch; to throb; a spasm; to extract and use
动症 chōu dòng zhèng Tourette syndrome
動症 chōu dòng zhèng Tourette syndrome
咽 chōu yè to sob
嘴巴 chōu zuǐ ba to slap
屜 chōu ti drawer
噎噎 chōu chou yē yē to sob and sniffle
插 chōu chā to slide in and out; thrusting
搭 chōu dā to sob; to cry
斗 chōu dǒu drawer
时间 chōu shí jiān to (try to) find the time to
時間 chōu shí jiān to (try to) find the time to
樣 chōu yàng sample; sampling
檢 chōu jiǎn sampling; spot check; random test
气 chōu qì to draw air out