HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 562nd character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.6) |
INDEX # | 1762 |
to cut, sever, break off, terminate
- to cut, sever, break off, terminate
- to cut short
- extinct
- to disappear
- to vanish
- absolutely
- by no means
- variant of 絕|绝[jue2]

拒绝 jù jué | to refuse; to decline; to reject |
绝对 jué duì | absolute; unconditional |
绝望 jué wàng | to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation |
断绝 duàn jué | to sever; to break off |
滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué | unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen |
谢绝 xiè jué | to refuse politely |
空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu | unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique |
杜绝 dù jué | to put an end to |
络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué | continuously; in an endless stream (idiom) |
绝不 jué bù | in no way; not in the least; absolutely not |
绝妙 jué miào | exquisite |
灭绝 miè jué | to extinguish; to become extinct; to die out |
绝地 jué dì | danger spot; Jedi (in Star Wars) |
绝大多数 jué dà duō shù | absolute majority; overwhelming majority |
绝非 jué fēi | absolutely not |
绝密 jué mì | top secret |
与世隔绝 yǔ shì gé jué | to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom) |
绝境 jué jìng | desperate straits |
绝大部分 jué dà bù fen | overwhelming majority |
绝症 jué zhèng | incurable disease; terminal illness |
隔绝 gé jué | isolated (from the world); disconnected |
回绝 huí jué | to rebuff; to refuse; to turn down |
绝种 jué zhǒng | extinct (species); extinction |
绝技 jué jì | consummate skill; supreme feat; tour-de-force; stunt |
绝招 jué zhāo | unique skill; unexpected tricky move (as a last resort); masterstroke; finishing blow |