HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 849th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2170 |
turn, move; shake, wag; drop down
掉 diào |

干掉 gàn diào | to get rid of |
关掉 guān diào | to switch off; to shut off |
忘掉 wàng diào | to forget |
扔掉 rēng diào | to throw away; to throw out |
丢掉 diū diào | to lose; to throw away; to discard; to cast away |
除掉 chú diào | to eliminate |
甩掉 shuǎi diào | to throw off; to abandon; to cast off; to get rid of; to dump |
去掉 qù diào | to get rid of; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to delete; to strip out; to extract |
掉头 diào tóu | to turn one's head; to turn round; to turn about |
炸掉 zhà diào | to bomb |
漏掉 lòu diào | to miss; to leave out; to omit; to be omitted; to be missing; to slip through; to leak out; to seep away |
毁掉 huǐ diào | to destroy |
拔掉 bá diào | to pluck; to pull off; to pull out; to unplug |
擦掉 cā diào | to wipe |
老掉牙 lǎo diào yá | very old; obsolete; out of date |
减掉 jiǎn diào | to subtract; to lose (weight) |
改掉 gǎi diào | to drop a bad habit |
辞掉 cí diào | to quit (one's job); to dismiss (an employee) |
卖掉 mài diào | to sell off; to get rid of in a sale |
掉落 diào luò | to fall down |
失掉 shī diào | to lose; to miss |
撤掉 chè diào | to cut; to throw out; to depose (from office); to tear off |
废掉 fèi diào | to depose (a king) |
掉以轻心 diào yǐ qīng xīn | treat sth lightly; to lower one's guard |
掉队 diào duì | to fall behind; to drop out |