HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 314th character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2677 |
journey, trip; schedule, agenda
- journey, trip
- schedule, agenda
- surname Cheng
- rule
- order
- regulations
- formula
- journey
- procedure
- sequence

过程 guò chéng | course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] |
程序 chéng xù | procedures; sequence; order; computer program |
程度 chéng dù | degree (level or extent); level; CL:個|个[ge4] |
课程 kè chéng | course; academic program; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2] |
工程师 gōng chéng shī | engineer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] |
日程 rì chéng | schedule; itinerary; CL:個|个[ge4] |
启程 qǐ chéng | to set out on a journey |
专程 zhuān chéng | specifically; specially (for that purpose) |
里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi | milestone |
章程 zhāng chéng | rules; regulations; constitution; statute; articles of association (of company); articles of incorporation; charter (of a corporation); by-laws |
旅程 lǚ chéng | journey; trip |
工程 gōng chéng | engineering; an engineering project; project; undertaking; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] |
行程 xíng chéng | journey; course of a journey; distance traveled; trajectory; itinerary; route; course (of history); stroke (of a piston); (Tw) (computing) process |
计程车 jì chéng chē | (Tw) taxi; cab |
路程 lù chéng | route; path traveled; distance traveled; course (of development) |
进程 jìn chéng | process; course |
远程 yuǎn chéng | remote; long distance; long range |
疗程 liáo chéng | course of treatment |
前程 qián chéng | future (career etc) prospects |
全程 quán chéng | the whole distance; from beginning to end |
日程表 rì chéng biǎo | daily schedule |
射程 shè chéng | range; reach; firing range |
赛程 sài chéng | competition schedule; the course of a race |
程式 chéng shì | form; pattern; formula; program |
方程式 fāng chéng shì | equation |