HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 596th character |
RADICAL | ⽌ (77.0) |
INDEX # | 109 |
stop, halt, desist; detain
- stop, halt, desist
- detain
- to stop
- to prohibit
- until
- only

禁止 jìn zhǐ | to prohibit; to forbid; to ban |
阻止 zǔ zhǐ | to prevent; to block |
不止 bù zhǐ | incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to |
防止 fáng zhǐ | to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions |
终止 zhōng zhǐ | to stop; to terminate (law) |
制止 zhì zhǐ | to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit |
迄今为止 qì jīn wéi zhǐ | so far; up to now; still (not) |
截止 jié zhǐ | to close; to stop; to put a stop to sth; cut-off point; stopping point; deadline |
停止 tíng zhǐ | to stop; to halt; to cease |
为止 wéi zhǐ | until; (used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止) |
到此为止 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ | to stop at this point; to end here; to call it a day |
举止 jǔ zhǐ | bearing; manner; mien |
中止 zhōng zhǐ | to cease; to suspend; to break off; to stop; to discontinue |
止痛药 zhǐ tòng yào | painkiller; analgesic; anodyne |
止血 zhǐ xuè | to staunch (bleeding); hemostatic (drug) |
静止 jìng zhǐ | still; immobile; static; stationary |
休止 xiū zhǐ | to stop |
止步 zhǐ bù | to halt; to stop; to go no farther |
适可而止 shì kě ér zhǐ | to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can; don't overdo it; stop while you're ahead |
止痛 zhǐ tòng | to relieve pain; to stop pain; analgesic |
叹为观止 tàn wéi guān zhǐ | (idiom) to gasp in amazement; to acclaim as the peak of perfection |
止痛片 zhǐ tòng piàn | painkiller |
何止 hé zhǐ | far more than; not just |
止境 zhǐ jìng | limit; boundary; end |
止咳 zhǐ ké | to suppress coughing |