
stop, halt, desist; detain

HSK 4 #596


  • stop, halt, desist
  • detain
  • to stop
  • to prohibit
  • until
  • only


止 stroke order diagram
止 stroke order animation


永无境 yǒng wú zhǐ jìng without end; never-ending
痛剂 zhǐ tòng jì an analgesic; pain killer
fèi zhǐ to repeal (a law); to put an end to; abolition; annulled
qǐ zhǐ not only; far from; more than
yì zhǐ to supress; to restrain
è zhǐ to hold back; to check (i.e. to stop sb's advance); to resist; esp. with negative, irresistible, unstoppable etc
戛然而 jiá rán ér zhǐ with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)
符 xiū zhǐ fú rest (music)
浅尝辄 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge; also written 淺嘗輒止|浅尝辄止
学无境 xué wú zhǐ jìng no end to learning (idiom); There's always something new to study.; You live and learn.
令行禁 lìng xíng jìn zhǐ lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact compliance with instructions; to ensure strictly obedience
一次 bù zhǐ yī cì many times; on more than one occasion
充饥渴 chōng jī zhǐ kě to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst (idiom)
充飢渴 chōng jī zhǐ kě to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst (idiom)
全面禁 quán miàn jìn zhǐ complete prohibition; total ban
全面禁核试验条约 quán miàn jìn zhǐ hé shì yàn tiáo yuē Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
全面禁核試驗條約 quán miàn jìn zhǐ hé shì yàn tiáo yuē Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
到此為 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ to stop at this point; to end here; to call it a day
到目前为 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ until now; so far
到目前為 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ until now; so far
古文观 gǔ wén guān zhǐ Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty
古文觀 gǔ wén guān zhǐ Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty
售完即 shòu wán jí zhǐ while stocks last; subject to availability
hè zhǐ to shout at sb to stop
嘆為觀 tàn wéi guān zhǐ (idiom) to gasp in amazement; to acclaim as the peak of perfection