HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1235th character |
RADICAL | ⼚ (27.7) |
INDEX # | 1449 |
thick; substantial; greatly
厚 hòu |

浓厚 nóng hòu | dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) |
雄厚 xióng hòu | robust; strong and solid |
得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu | blessed by heaven (idiom); enjoying exceptional advantages; favored by nature |
深情厚谊 shēn qíng hòu yì | deep friendship |
丰厚 fēng hòu | generous; ample |
厚道 hòu dao | kind and honest; generous; sincere |
深厚 shēn hòu | deep; profound |
厚重 hòu zhòng | thick; heavy; thickset (body); massive; generous; extravagant; profound; dignified |
厚脸皮 hòu liǎn pí | brazen; shameless; impudent; cheek; thick-skinned |
无可厚非 wú kě hòu fēi | see 未可厚非[wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1] |
优厚 yōu hòu | generous, liberal (pay, compensation) |
厚望 hòu wàng | great hopes; great expectations |
厚度 hòu dù | thickness |
厚实 hòu shi | thick; substantial; sturdy; solid |
宽厚 kuān hòu | tolerant; generous; magnanimous; thick and broad (build); thick and deep (voice) |
厚礼 hòu lǐ | generous gifts |
肥厚 féi hòu | plump; fleshy; fertile |
浑厚 hún hòu | simple and honest; unsophisticated; (music etc) deep and resounding |
醇厚 chún hòu | mellow and rich; simple and kind |
忠厚 zhōng hòu | honest and considerate |
厚薄 hòu báo | thickness; also pr. [hou4 bo2] |
厚薄 hòu bó | to favor one and discriminate against the other (abbr. for 厚此薄彼[hou4 ci3 bo2 bi3]) |
仁厚 rén hòu | kindhearted; tolerant; honest and generous |
厚待 hòu dài | generous treatment |
憨厚 hān hou | simple and honest; straightforward |