HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 473rd character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.5) |
INDEX # | 1424 |
mark, symbol, label, sign; stand the bole of a tree
- mark, symbol, label, sign
- stand the bole of a tree
- mark
- sign
- label
- to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc
- to bear (a brand name, registration number etc)
- prize
- award
- bid
- target
- quota
- (old) the topmost branches of a tree
- visible symptom
- classifier for military units

标准 biāo zhǔn | (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|个[ge4] |
目标 mù biāo | target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[ge4] |
标志 biāo zhì | sign; mark; symbol; logo; to symbolize; to indicate; to mark |
鼠标 shǔ biāo | mouse (computing) |
标点 biāo diǎn | punctuation; a punctuation mark; to punctuate; CL:個|个[ge4] |
标记 biāo jì | sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; (computing) token |
标题 biāo tí | title; heading; headline; caption; subject |
商标 shāng biāo | trademark; logo |
标本 biāo běn | specimen; sample; the root cause and symptoms of a disease |
指标 zhǐ biāo | (production) target; quota; index; indicator; sign; signpost; (computing) pointer |
招标 zhāo biāo | to invite bids |
标签 biāo qiān | label; tag; tab (of a window) (computing) |
坐标 zuò biāo | coordinate (geometry) |
锦标赛 jǐn biāo sài | championship contest; championships |
标语 biāo yǔ | written slogan; placard; CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2] |
标识 biāo zhì | variant of 標誌|标志[biao1 zhi4] |
国标舞 guó biāo wǔ | international standard ballroom dancing |
标志性 biāo zhì xìng | iconic |
投标 tóu biāo | to bid; to make a tender |
浮标 fú biāo | buoy |
路标 lù biāo | road sign |
标价 biāo jià | to mark the price; marked price |
标注 biāo zhù | to mark out; to tag; to put a sign on sth explaining or calling attention to; to annotate (e.g. a character with its pinyin) |
标明 biāo míng | to mark; to indicate |
标牌 biāo pái | label; tag; sign; (brass etc) inscribed plate |