HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1467th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.7) |
INDEX # | 1382 |
to stand upright, straighten; rigid
挺 tǐng |

挺拔 tǐng bá | tall and straight |
挺身而出 tǐng shēn ér chū | to step forward bravely |
挺进 tǐng jìn | progress; to advance |
坚挺 jiān tǐng | firm and upright; strong (of currency) |
挺身 tǐng shēn | to straighten one's back |
笔挺 bǐ tǐng | (standing) very straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright; well-ironed; trim |
昂首挺胸 áng shǒu tǐng xiōng | head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits; in fine mettle (of animal) |
挺立 tǐng lì | to stand erect; to stand upright |
挺举 tǐng jǔ | clean and jerk (weightlifting technique) |
硬挺 yìng tǐng | to endure with all one's will; to hold out; rigid; stiff |
力挺 lì tǐng | to support; to back |
丫挺 yā tǐng | (Beijing dialect) bastard; damned |
伏地挺身 fú dì tǐng shēn | pushup (exercise) |
劲挺 jìng tǐng | strong |
勁挺 jìng tǐng | strong |
堅挺 jiān tǐng | firm and upright; strong (of currency) |
打挺儿 dǎ tǐng r | to arch one's body and fling one's head back |
打挺兒 dǎ tǐng r | to arch one's body and fling one's head back |
挺住 tǐng zhù | to stand firm; to stand one's ground (in the face of adversity or pain) |
挺好 tǐng hǎo | very good |
挺尸 tǐng shī | (lit.) to lie stiff like a corpse; (coll.) to sleep |
挺屍 tǐng shī | (lit.) to lie stiff like a corpse; (coll.) to sleep |
挺杆 tǐng gǎn | tappet (machine part) |
挺桿 tǐng gǎn | tappet (machine part) |
挺而走险 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn | variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 xian3] |