HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1373rd character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2676 |
little, slightly; rather
稍 shāo |
稍 shào |

稍微 shāo wēi | a little bit |
稍后 shāo hòu | in a little while; in a moment; later on |
稍稍 shāo shāo | somewhat; a little; slightly |
稍息 shào xī | Stand at ease! (military); Taiwan pr. [shao1 xi1] |
稍纵即逝 shāo zòng jí shì | transient; fleeting |
稍许 shāo xǔ | a little; a bit |
稍嫌 shāo xián | more than one would wish; somewhat; a bit too (old, contrived, distracting etc) |
稍安勿躁 shāo ān wù zào | variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4] |
稍安毋躁 shāo ān wú zào | variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4] |
稍後 shāo hòu | in a little while; in a moment; later on |
稍快板 shāo kuài bǎn | allegretto |
稍早 shāo zǎo | a little early |
稍早时 shāo zǎo shí | a little earlier |
稍早時 shāo zǎo shí | a little earlier |
稍异 shāo yì | differing slightly |
稍異 shāo yì | differing slightly |
稍等 shāo děng | to wait a moment |
稍縱即逝 shāo zòng jí shì | transient; fleeting |
稍許 shāo xǔ | a little; a bit |
稍食 shāo shí | (old) monthly salary of an official |
稍晚 shāo wǎn | later; in this context, it refers to something happening a little while after a previous event |
稍作 shāo zuò | to take a short break; to pause briefly to rest or relax |
稍大 shāo dà | slightly bigger |
稍停 shāo tíng | to pause momentarily |
稍缓 shāo huǎn | slightly eased; refers to a reduction in intensity or severity, often used in the context of pain or tension |