HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 2359th character |
RADICAL | ⾷ (184.6) |
INDEX # | 1614 |
rice-cakes, biscuits
饼 bǐng |

饼干 bǐng gān | biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] |
馅饼 xiàn bǐng | meat pie; pie; pasty |
煎饼 jiān bǐng | jianbing, a savory Chinese crêpe; pancake; CL:張|张[zhang1] |
薄饼 báo bǐng | thin flat cake; pancake; pizza |
肉饼 ròu bǐng | meat patty |
比萨饼 bǐ sà bǐng | pizza (loanword); CL:張|张[zhang1] |
玉米饼 yù mǐ bǐng | corn cake; Mexican tortilla |
糕饼 gāo bǐng | cakes; pastries |
烙饼 lào bǐng | pancake; flat bread; griddle cake |
大饼 dà bǐng | large flat bread |
烧饼 shāo bing | baked sesame seed-coated cake |
馅儿饼 xiàn r bǐng | erhua variant of 餡餅|馅饼[xian4 bing3] |
油饼 yóu bǐng | deep-fried doughcake; oilcake (animal fodder) |
月饼 yuè bǐng | mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival) |
饼子 bǐng zi | maize or millet pancake |
画饼充饥 huà bǐng chōng jī | lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake; to feed on illusions (idiom) |
铁饼 tiě bǐng | (athletics) discus; discus throw |
冰皮月饼 bīng pí yuè bǐng | snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is not baked, instead of the traditional baked pastry casing) |
可丽饼 kě lì bǐng | crêpe (loanword) |
喜饼 xǐ bǐng | double happiness cakes, pastries offered by a man to his fiancée's family at the time of their engagement |
圆面饼 yuán miàn bǐng | round flat bread; pita bread |
墨西哥卷饼 mò xī gē juǎn bǐng | taco; burrito |
天上不会掉馅饼 tiān shàng bù huì diào xiàn bǐng | there is no such thing as a free lunch (idiom) |
天上掉馅饼 tiān shàng diào xiàn bǐng | a meat pie falls from the sky (idiom); to have something fall into your lap |
太阳饼 tài yáng bǐng | suncake (small round cake made with flaky pastry and a maltose filling, originally from Taichung, Taiwan) |