
time, occasion; take journey

HSK 4 #2457


趟 tàng
  • classifier for times, round trips or rows
  • a time
  • a trip
趟 tāng
  • old variant of 趟[tang1]
  • to wade
  • to trample
  • to turn the soil



dān tàng single trip
dān tàng single trip
白跑一 bái pǎo yī tàng to go on an errand for nothing; to go on a wild-goose chase
空跑一 kōng pǎo yī tàng to make a journey for nothing
浑水 tāng hún shuǐ (fig.) to get involved in an unsavory enterprise
渾水 tāng hún shuǐ (fig.) to get involved in an unsavory enterprise
转一 zhuàn yī tàng to go on a trip
轉一 zhuàn yī tàng to go on a trip
yī tàng a trip; refers to one journey or visit, typically used to describe a single instance of travel
yí tàng a trip; a journey
tā tàng he usually takes a trip; he often takes a ride
去一 qù yī tàng to go on a trip
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