
particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten

HSK 4 #929


呀 ya
  • (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)



āi yā interjection of wonder, shock or admiration
ā yā interjection of surprise; Oh my!
诺达 yā nuò dá Yanoda, a rainforest in southern Hainan
諾達 yā nuò dá Yanoda, a rainforest in southern Hainan
tiān ya Heavens!; My goodness!
欧咪给 ōu mī yā gěi (Tw) gift given when visiting sb (esp. a local specialty brought back from one's travels, or a special product of one's own country taken overseas) (loanword from Japanese "omiyage")
歐咪給 ōu mī yā gěi (Tw) gift given when visiting sb (esp. a local specialty brought back from one's travels, or a special product of one's own country taken overseas) (loanword from Japanese "omiyage")
還眨 hái zhǎ ya still blinking; still winking
āi yā yā an interjection expressing surprise, disappointment, or exclamation
yī ya onomatopoeia for singing or humming
zhī yā onomatopoeia for the creaking sound
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