HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 724th character |
RADICAL | ⽆ (71.5) |
INDEX # | 1721 |
already; de facto; since; then
既 jì |

既然 jì rán | since; as; this being the case |
一如既往 yī rú jì wǎng | just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always |
既定 jì dìng | already fixed; set; established |
既往不咎 jì wǎng bù jiù | to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones; There is no point in crying over spilt milk. |
既是 jì shì | is both ...(and...); since; as; being the case that |
既有 jì yǒu | existing |
既得利益 jì dé lì yì | vested interest |
一言既出,驷马难追 yī yán jì chū , sì mǎ nán zhuī | lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept |
一言既出,駟馬難追 yī yán jì chū , sì mǎ nán zhuī | lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept |
不咎既往 bù jiù jì wǎng | not censure sb for his past misdeeds; overlook sb's past mistakes; let bygones be bygones |
既来之,则安之 jì lái zhī , zé ān zhī | Since they have come, we should make them comfortable (idiom). Since we're here, take it easy.; Since this is so, we should accept it.; Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth.; If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. |
既來之,則安之 jì lái zhī , zé ān zhī | Since they have come, we should make them comfortable (idiom). Since we're here, take it easy.; Since this is so, we should accept it.; Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth.; If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. |
既已 jì yǐ | already |
既往 jì wǎng | past; bygone; the past |
既得 jì dé | vested in; already obtained; vesting |
既得期间 jì dé qī jiān | vesting period (in finance) |
既得期間 jì dé qī jiān | vesting period (in finance) |
既成事实 jì chéng shì shí | fait accompli |
既成事實 jì chéng shì shí | fait accompli |
既有今日何必当初 jì yǒu jīn rì hé bì dāng chū | see 早知今日何必當初|早知今日何必当初[zao3 zhi1 jin1 ri4 he2 bi4 dang1 chu1] |
既有今日何必當初 jì yǒu jīn rì hé bì dāng chū | see 早知今日何必當初|早知今日何必当初[zao3 zhi1 jin1 ri4 he2 bi4 dang1 chu1] |
既而 jì ér | soon after; later; then |
既要当婊子又要立牌坊 jì yào dāng biǎo zi yòu yào lì pái fāng | see 又想當婊子又想立牌坊|又想当婊子又想立牌坊[you4 xiang3 dang1 biao3 zi5 you4 xiang3 li4 pai2 fang1] |
既要當婊子又要立牌坊 jì yào dāng biǎo zi yòu yào lì pái fāng | see 又想當婊子又想立牌坊|又想当婊子又想立牌坊[you4 xiang3 dang1 biao3 zi5 you4 xiang3 li4 pai2 fang1] |
既视感 jì shì gǎn | déjà vu |