HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 986th character |
RADICAL | ⽰ (113.8) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2863 |
restrict, prohibit, forbid
禁 jìn |
禁 jīn |

禁止 jìn zhǐ | to prohibit; to forbid; to ban |
不禁 bù jīn | can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from |
严禁 yán jìn | to strictly prohibit |
监禁 jiān jìn | to imprison; to jail; to take into custody |
囚禁 qiú jìn | to imprison; captivity |
情不自禁 qíng bù zì jīn | unable to restrain emotions; cannot help |
宵禁 xiāo jìn | night curfew |
禁令 jìn lìng | prohibition; ban |
禁忌 jìn jì | taboo; contraindication (medicine); to abstain from |
关禁闭 guān jìn bì | to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil) |
禁欲 jìn yù | to suppress desire; self-restraint; asceticism |
禁区 jìn qū | restricted area; forbidden region |
软禁 ruǎn jìn | house arrest |
拘禁 jū jìn | constraint; to detain; to take into custody |
禁锢 jìn gù | to confine; to imprison; prohibition; shackles; fetters |
禁不住 jīn bu zhù | can't help it; can't bear it |
失禁 shī jìn | (urinary or fecal) incontinence |
禁酒 jìn jiǔ | prohibition; ban on alcohol; dry law |
违禁 wéi jìn | to violate a prohibition or ban; prohibited; illicit |
禁药 jìn yào | drugs ban (e.g. for athletes) |
禁食 jìn shí | to fast; to abstain from eating; to forbid the eating of (certain foods); a fast |
禁烟 jìn yān | to ban smoking; to quit smoking; to prohibit cooking; prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729) |
禁毒 jìn dú | drug prohibition |
禁用 jīn yòng | to withstand heavy use; durable |
禁用 jìn yòng | to prohibit the use of sth; to ban; (computing) to disable |