HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1336th character |
RADICAL | ⾨ (169.5) |
INDEX # | 1228 |
quarrel; dispute hotly
闹 nào |

热闹 rè nao | bustling with noise and excitement; lively |
无理取闹 wú lǐ qǔ nào | to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative |
胡闹 hú nào | to act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble |
闹钟 nào zhōng | alarm clock |
吵闹 chǎo nào | noisy; raucous; to shout and scream |
闹剧 nào jù | farce; CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1],幕[mu4] |
闹鬼 nào guǐ | haunted |
闹事 nào shì | to cause trouble; to create a disturbance |
闹翻 nào fān | to have a falling out; to have a big argument |
大吵大闹 dà chǎo dà nào | to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene |
喧闹 xuān nào | to make a noise; noisy |
小打小闹 xiǎo dǎ xiǎo nào | small-scale |
闹腾 nào teng | to disturb; to create confusion; to make a din |
凑热闹 còu rè nao | to join in the fun; to get in on the action; (fig.) to butt in; to create more trouble |
闹别扭 nào biè niu | to be difficult with sb; to provoke disagreement; at loggerheads; to fall out with |
看热闹 kàn rè nao | to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are |
闹情绪 nào qíng xù | to be in a bad mood |
闹肚子 nào dù zi | (coll.) to have diarrhea |
闹市 nào shì | downtown area; city center |
闹心 nào xīn | to be vexed or annoyed; to feel queasy |
瞎闹 xiā nào | to make a scene; to fool around; to behave foolishly |
闹哄哄 nào hōng hōng | clamorous; noisy; sensational; very exciting |
闹笑话 nào xiào huà | to make a fool of oneself |
一哭二闹三上吊 yī kū èr nào sān shàng diào | to make a terrible scene (idiom); to throw a tantrum |
五鬼闹判 wǔ guǐ nào pàn | Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist judgment (title of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells |