nào nao

quarrel; dispute hotly


鬧 nào
  • variant of 鬧|闹[nao4]
  • noisy
  • cacophonous
  • to make noise
  • to disturb
  • to vent (feelings)
  • to fall ill
  • to have an attack (of sickness)
  • to go in (for some activity)
  • to joke


一哭二三上吊 yī kū èr nào sān shàng diào to make a terrible scene (idiom); to throw a tantrum
五鬼判 wǔ guǐ nào pàn Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist judgment (title of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells
內行看門道,外行看熱 nèi háng kàn mén dao , wài háng kàn rè nao while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
又吵又 yòu chǎo yòu nào to make a lot of noise; to be disorderly
qǔ nào to make trouble; to make fun of
chǎo nào noisy; raucous; to shout and scream
聲 chǎo nào shēng noise
xuān nào to make a noise; noisy
大吵大 dà chǎo dà nào to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene
dà nào to cause havoc; to run amok
天宮 dà nào tiān gōng Monkey Wreaks Havoc in Heaven, story about the Monkey King Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun1 Wu4 kong1] from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记
小打小 xiǎo dǎ xiǎo nào small-scale
按鈕 zhǐ nào àn niǔ snooze button
湊熱 còu rè nao to join in the fun; to get in on the action; (fig.) to butt in; to create more trouble
無理取 wú lǐ qǔ nào to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
rè nao bustling with noise and excitement; lively
看熱 kàn rè nao to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are
xiā nào to make a scene; to fool around; to behave foolishly
窮在市無人問,富在深山有遠親 qióng zài nào shì wú rén wèn , fù zài shēn shān yǒu yuǎn qīn the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain
fán nào bustling
hú nào to act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble
yī nào (neologism c. 2013) organized disruption of healthcare facilities or verbal and physical abuse of medical staff, by an aggrieved patient or proxies such as family members or hired thugs, typically aimed at obtaining compensation
sāo nào noisy; a racket
事 nào shì to cause trouble; to create a disturbance
劇 nào jù farce; CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1],幕[mu4]
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