nào nao

quarrel; dispute hotly


鬧 nào
  • variant of 鬧|闹[nao4]
  • noisy
  • cacophonous
  • to make noise
  • to disturb
  • to vent (feelings)
  • to fall ill
  • to have an attack (of sickness)
  • to go in (for some activity)
  • to joke


區 nào qū downtown
哄哄 nào hōng hōng clamorous; noisy; sensational; very exciting
場 nào chǎng gongs and drums overture to a Chinese opera; to create a disturbance
市 nào shì downtown area; city center
彆扭 nào biè niu to be difficult with sb; to provoke disagreement; at loggerheads; to fall out with
心 nào xīn to be vexed or annoyed; to feel queasy
忙 nào máng (dialect) bustling; lively
情緒 nào qíng xù to be in a bad mood
房 nào fáng see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2]
新房 nào xīn fáng see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2]
洞房 nào dòng fáng disturbing the privacy of bridal room (Chinese custom where guests banter with and play pranks on the newlyweds)
猛 nào měng (dialect) bustling; lively
矛盾 nào máo dùn to be at loggerheads; to have a falling out
笑話 nào xiào huà to make a fool of oneself
糊糊 nào hú hu to cause trouble
翻 nào fān to have a falling out; to have a big argument
翻天 nào fān tiān to create a big disturbance
肚子 nào dù zi (coll.) to have diarrhea
脾氣 nào pí qi to get angry
著玩兒 nào zhe wán r to play games; to joke around; to play a joke on sb
賊 nào zéi (coll.) to be burglarized
轟轟 nào hōng hōng variant of 鬧哄哄|闹哄哄[nao4 hong1 hong1]
鈴 nào líng alarm (clock)
鈴時鐘 nào líng shí zhōng alarm clock
鐘 nào zhōng alarm clock