HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 604th character |
RADICAL | ⽯ (112.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1867 |
break, ruin, destroy; rout
- break, ruin, destroy
- rout
- broken
- damaged
- worn out
- lousy
- rotten
- to break, split or cleave
- to get rid of
- to destroy
- to break with
- to defeat
- to capture (a city etc)
- to expose the truth of

破坏 pò huài | destruction; damage; to wreck; to break; to destroy |
破产 pò chǎn | to go bankrupt; to become impoverished; bankruptcy |
突破 tū pò | to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense |
破例 pò lì | to make an exception |
打破 dǎ pò | to break; to smash |
破案 pò àn | to solve a case; shabby old table |
破裂 pò liè | to rupture; to fracture; to break down; (linguistics) plosion |
破烂 pò làn | worn-out; rotten; dilapidated; tattered; ragged; rubbish; junk |
拿破仑 ná pò lún | variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Na2 po4 lun2]; Napoleon (name); Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815 |
破碎 pò suì | to smash to pieces; to shatter |
爆破 bào pò | to blow up; to demolish (using explosives); dynamite; blast |
破解 pò jiě | to break (a bond, constraint etc); to explain; to unravel; to decipher; to decode; to crack (software) |
破灭 pò miè | to be shattered; to be annihilated (of hope, illusions etc) |
破门而入 pò mén ér rù | to break the door down and enter (idiom) |
破译 pò yì | to break a code; to crack a riddle; to solve an enigma; a breakthrough |
破损 pò sǔn | to become damaged |
识破 shí pò | to penetrate; to see through |
侦破 zhēn pò | to investigate (as detective); to solve (crime); to uncover (a plot); to sniff out; to break in and analyze; detective work; to scout |
破旧 pò jiù | shabby |
冲破 chōng pò | breakthrough; to overcome an obstacle quickly |
支离破碎 zhī lí pò suì | scattered and smashed (idiom) |
破绽 pò zhàn | hole or tear in cloth; mistake or gap in a speech or theory |
撕破 sī pò | to tear; to rip |
划破 huá pò | to cut open; to rip; to streak across (lightning, meteor etc); to pierce (scream, searchlight etc) |
破门 pò mén | to burst or force open a door; to excommunicate sb (from the Roman Catholic Church); to score a goal (in football, hockey etc) |