HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1386th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 993 |
lift, carry
抬 tái |

抬头 tái tóu | to raise one's head; to gain ground; account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc |
抬高 tái gāo | to raise (price etc) |
抬举 tái ju | to lift sth up; to elevate sb; to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc); to show great regard; to speak highly; Taiwan pr. [tai2 ju3] |
抬杠 tái gàng | to bicker; to argue for the sake of arguing; to carry on poles (together with sb else); to carry a coffin on poles |
哄抬 hōng tái | to artificially inflate; to bid up (the price) |
高抬贵手 gāo tái guì shǒu | to be generous (idiom); to be magnanimous; Give me a break! |
不识抬举 bù shí tái jǔ | fail to appreciate sb's kindness; not know how to appreciate favors |
不識抬舉 bù shí tái jǔ | fail to appreciate sb's kindness; not know how to appreciate favors |
八抬大轿 bā tái dà jiào | palanquin with eight carriers; (fig.) lavish treatment |
八抬大轎 bā tái dà jiào | palanquin with eight carriers; (fig.) lavish treatment |
抬槓 tái gàng | to bicker; to argue for the sake of arguing; to carry on poles (together with sb else); to carry a coffin on poles |
抬舉 tái ju | to lift sth up; to elevate sb; to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc); to show great regard; to speak highly; Taiwan pr. [tai2 ju3] |
抬起 tái qǐ | to lift up |
抬轿子 tái jiào zi | to carry sb in a sedan chair; flatter; sing praises |
抬轎子 tái jiào zi | to carry sb in a sedan chair; flatter; sing praises |
抬頭 tái tóu | to raise one's head; to gain ground; account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc |
拉抬 lā tái | (Tw) to pull sth up; (fig.) to give a boost to; to support |
担架抬 dān jià tái | stretcher (for the injured) |
擔架抬 dān jià tái | stretcher (for the injured) |
高抬 gāo tái | to speak highly of sb |
高抬貴手 gāo tái guì shǒu | to be generous (idiom); to be magnanimous; Give me a break! |
抬枪 tái qiāng | lift a gun; raise a gun |
抬回来 tái huí lái | carry back; bring back |
抬脚 tái jiǎo | lift foot; raise one's foot |
抬起头来 tái qǐ tóu lái | lifted his head; raised one's head up |