HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 803rd character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.6) |
INDEX # | 1679 |
ocean, sea; foreign; western
洋 yáng |

海洋 hǎi yáng | ocean; CL:個|个[ge4] |
洋葱 yáng cōng | onion (Allium cepa); bulb onion |
太平洋 tài píng yáng | Pacific Ocean |
大西洋 dà xī yáng | Atlantic Ocean |
洋娃娃 yáng wá wa | doll (of Western appearance) |
大洋 dà yáng | ocean; (old) silver dollar |
西洋 xī yáng | the West (Europe and North America); countries of the Indian Ocean (traditional) |
洋溢 yáng yì | brimming with; steeped in |
巡洋舰 xún yáng jiàn | cruiser (warship); battle cruiser |
出洋相 chū yáng xiàng | to make a fool of oneself |
得意洋洋 dé yì yáng yáng | joyfully satisfied; to be immensely proud of oneself; proudly; an air of complacency |
洋装 yáng zhuāng | Western-style dress |
大洋洲 dà yáng zhōu | Oceania |
洋服 yáng fú | Western-style clothes |
洋流 yáng liú | ocean current |
洋基 yáng jī | see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yang2 ji1 dui4]; New York Yankees (US baseball team) |
洋相 yáng xiàng | social gaffe or blunder; faux pas; see 出洋相[chu1 yang2 xiang4] |
懒洋洋 lǎn yāng yāng | lazily |
洋洋得意 yáng yáng dé yì | immensely pleased with oneself (idiom); proud; complacent |
洋鬼子 yáng guǐ zi | foreign devil; term of abuse for Westerners |
洋芋 yáng yù | (dialect) potato |
热情洋溢 rè qíng yáng yì | brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth |
远洋 yuǎn yáng | distant seas; the open ocean (far from the coast) |
远渡重洋 yuǎn dù chóng yáng | to travel across the oceans |
印度洋 yìn dù yáng | Indian Ocean |