HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 535th character |
RADICAL | ⾙ (154.4) |
INDEX # | 948 |
one's responsibility, duty
- one's responsibility, duty
- duty
- responsibility
- to reproach
- to blame

负责 fù zé | to be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious |
责任 zé rèn | responsibility; blame; duty; CL:個|个[ge4] |
责备 zé bèi | to blame; to criticize; condemnation; reproach |
指责 zhǐ zé | to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce |
责怪 zé guài | to blame; to rebuke |
谴责 qiǎn zé | to denounce; to condemn; to criticize; condemnation; criticism |
职责 zhí zé | duty; responsibility; obligation |
负责人 fù zé rén | person in charge |
自责 zì zé | to blame oneself |
责任感 zé rèn gǎn | sense of responsibility |
责任心 zé rèn xīn | sense of responsibility |
责难 zé nàn | to censure |
尽责 jìn zé | to do one's duty; to do one's bit conscientiously |
罪责 zuì zé | guilt |
尽职尽责 jìn zhí jìn zé | responsible and diligent (idiom) |
责骂 zé mà | to scold |
斥责 chì zé | to lash out; to reprimand |
责罚 zé fá | to punish |
苛责 kē zé | to criticize harshly; to excoriate |
责令 zé lìng | to order; to enjoin; to charge; to instruct sb to finish sth |
责无旁贷 zé wú páng dài | to be duty bound; to be one's unshirkable responsibility |
责任人 zé rèn rén | responsible person; coordinator |
横加指责 héng jiā zhǐ zé | to blame unscrupulously |
叱责 chì zé | to upbraid |
责成 zé chéng | to charge (an entity) with (a task); to assign (sb) the task of |