one's responsibility, duty


責 zé
  • duty
  • responsibility
  • to reproach
  • to blame


中航技進出口有限任公司 zhōng háng jì jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn zé rèn gōng sī China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC)
人人有 rén rén yǒu zé it is everyone's duty
企業社會任 qǐ yè shè huì zé rèn corporate social responsibility (CSR)
條款 miǎn zé tiáo kuǎn disclaimer
聲明 miǎn zé shēng míng disclaimer
公開指 gōng kāi zhǐ zé to denounce
qiè zé to blame; to reprimand
chì zé to upbraid
hē zé to abuse; to berate
wèn zé to hold accountable; to blame; to censure; to apportion blame
性 wèn zé xìng accountability
嚴以己寬以待人 yán yǐ zé jǐ kuān yǐ dài rén to be severe with oneself and lenient with others (idiom)
國家興亡,匹夫有 guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.
sè zé to carry out one's duties perfunctorily; to fulfill one's responsibility
天下興亡,匹夫有 tiān xià xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.
shī zé breach of responsibility; failure to carry out one's duty
守土有 shǒu tǔ yǒu zé duty to defend the country (idiom)
zhuān zé specific responsibility
徵名實 zhēng míng zé shí to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value
pū zé to punish by flogging
zhǐ zé to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce
敷衍塞 fū yǎn sè zé to skimp on the job; to work half-heartedly; not to take the job seriously
自負 wén zé zì fù the author takes sole responsibility for the views expressed here (disclaimer)
chì zé to lash out; to reprimand
任 yǒu zé rèn liable; responsible
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