HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 2316th character |
RADICAL | ⼽ (62.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2239 |
relative; be related to; sad
戚 qī |

亲戚 qīn qi | a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4] |
休戚相关 xiū qī xiāng guān | to share the same interests (idiom); to be closely related; to be in the same boat |
皇亲国戚 huáng qīn guó qī | the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections |
悲戚 bēi qī | mournful |
休戚相關 xiū qī xiāng guān | to share the same interests (idiom); to be closely related; to be in the same boat |
君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚 jūn zi tǎn dàng dàng , xiǎo rén cháng qī qī | good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked |
君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚 jūn zi tǎn dàng dàng , xiǎo rén cháng qī qī | good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked |
哀戚 āi qī | sorrow; grief |
戚墅堰 qī shù yàn | Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu |
戚墅堰区 qī shù yàn qū | Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu |
戚戚 qī qī | sorrowful; distressed; intimate; closely related |
戚友 qī yǒu | relatives and friends |
戚属 qī shǔ | relative; family member; dependent |
戚屬 qī shǔ | relative; family member; dependent |
戚族 qī zú | family members; fellow clansman |
戚继光 qī jì guāng | Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader |
戚繼光 qī jì guāng | Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader |
戚谊 qī yì | relation; close friendship |
戚誼 qī yì | relation; close friendship |
熊亲戚 xióng qīn qi | (coll.) busybody relative |
熊親戚 xióng qīn qi | (coll.) busybody relative |
皇親國戚 huáng qīn guó qī | the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections |
自贻伊戚 zì yí yī qī | to create trouble for oneself (idiom) |
自貽伊戚 zì yí yī qī | to create trouble for oneself (idiom) |
親戚 qīn qi | a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4] |