HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 819th character |
RADICAL | ⼆ (7.2) |
INDEX # | 106 |
mutually, reciprocally
互 hù |

互相 hù xiāng | each other; mutually; mutual |
互联网 hù lián wǎng | Internet |
相互 xiāng hù | each other; mutual |
互动 hù dòng | to interact; interactive |
互助 hù zhù | Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai; to help each other |
交互 jiāo hù | mutual; interactive; each other; alternately; in turn; interaction |
互换 hù huàn | to exchange |
互惠 hù huì | mutual benefit; mutually beneficial; reciprocal |
互利 hù lì | mutually beneficial |
互补 hù bǔ | complementary; to complement each other |
互通 hù tōng | to intercommunicate; to interoperate |
相互作用 xiāng hù zuò yòng | to interact; interaction; interplay |
互连 hù lián | interconnection |
互不相让 hù bù xiāng ràng | neither giving way to the other |
互信 hù xìn | mutual trust |
互斥 hù chì | mutually exclusive |
互联 hù lián | interconnected |
互通有无 hù tōng yǒu wú | mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls; to reciprocate with material assistance; scratch each other's back |
平等互利 píng děng hù lì | mutual benefit; to share profits equitably |
互访 hù fǎng | exchange visits |
互不侵犯 hù bù qīn fàn | non-aggression |
互不相欠 hù bù xiāng qiàn | see 兩不相欠|两不相欠[liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4] |
互不相讓 hù bù xiāng ràng | neither giving way to the other |
互别苗头 hù bié miáo tou | to compete with (idiom) (Tw); to pit oneself against |
互別苗頭 hù bié miáo tou | to compete with (idiom) (Tw); to pit oneself against |