HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1970th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2834 |
fill in, fill up; make good
填 tián |

填空 tián kòng | to fill a job vacancy; to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper) |
填补 tián bǔ | to fill a gap; to fill in a blank (on a form); to overcome a deficiency |
填写 tián xiě | to fill in a form; to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form) |
填充 tián chōng | pad; padding |
填表 tián biǎo | fill a form |
填料 tián liào | packing material |
填词 tián cí | to compose a poem (to a given tune) |
义愤填膺 yì fèn tián yīng | righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice |
填鸭式 tián yā shì | force feeding (as a teaching method) |
填鸭 tián yā | to force-feed ducks; (cooking) stuffed duck |
代填 dài tián | to fill in a form for sb else |
充填 chōng tián | to fill (gap, hole, area, blank); to pad out; to complement; (dental) filling; filled |
充填因数 chōng tián yīn shù | complementary factor |
充填因數 chōng tián yīn shù | complementary factor |
充填物 chōng tián wù | filling material; stuffing; lining; filling |
回填 huí tián | to backfill |
填充剂 tián chōng jì | bulking agent |
填充劑 tián chōng jì | bulking agent |
填地 tián dì | landfill |
填堵 tián dǔ | to stuff; to cram into |
填塞 tián sè | to fill up; to cram; to stuff |
填塞物 tián sè wù | stuffing; filling material |
填字游戏 tián zì yóu xì | crossword |
填字遊戲 tián zì yóu xì | crossword |
填密 tián mì | packing; packaging |