
win; surplus, gain, profit

HSK 4 #1836


  • win
  • surplus, gain, profit
  • to beat
  • to win
  • to profit



得 yíng dé to win; to gain
shū yíng win or loss; outcome
利 yíng lì gain; profit; to make a profit
gòng yíng mutually profitable; win-win
家 yíng jiā winner
余 yíng yú variant of 盈餘|盈余[ying2 yu2]
tǎng yíng to win without needing to even lift a finger; victory presented on a platter
shuāng yíng profitable to both sides; a win-win situation
利组织 fēi yíng lì zǔ zhī not-for-profit organization
才会 cái huì yíng only then can win; will win only with
dǎ yíng to win a fight or battle; to emerge victorious
球 yíng qiú to win the game; to win the match; to win the ball game
回来 yíng huí lái Win back; recover by winning
有输有 yǒu shū yǒu yíng win and lose alternately
来 yíng lái win and obtain
下 yíng xià win down; win; obtain victory
耶尔 yē ěr yíng to win against someone named Ye'er
点 yíng diǎn win some; gain a bit; to win a little amount; achieve some wins; in this context, it means 'to win a little'
新共 xīn gòng yíng new synergies; mutually beneficial cooperation that creates new opportunities and benefits for all parties involved
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