HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 552nd character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2488 |
continue, carry on; succeed
- continue, carry on
- succeed
- to continue
- to replenish

继续 jì xù | to continue; to proceed with; to go on with |
持续 chí xù | to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation |
连续 lián xù | continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive |
手续 shǒu xù | procedure; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; formalities |
陆续 lù xù | in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit |
延续 yán xù | to continue; to go on; to last |
后续 hòu xù | follow-up; (dialect) to remarry |
连续剧 lián xù jù | serialized drama; dramatic series; show in parts |
待续 dài xù | to be continued |
续集 xù jí | sequel; next episode (of TV series etc) |
断断续续 duàn duàn xù xù | intermittent; off and on; discontinuous; stop-go; stammering; disjointed; inarticulate |
连续性 lián xù xìng | continuity |
手续费 shǒu xù fèi | service charge; processing fee; commission |
续订 xù dìng | to renew |
接续 jiē xù | to follow; to continue |
续签 xù qiān | to renew a contract; contract extension |
连续不断 lián xù bù duàn | continuous; unceasing |
狗尾续貂 gǒu wěi xù diāo | lit. to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur (idiom); fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece |
续借 xù jiè | extended borrowing (e.g. library renewal) |
续假 xù jià | extended leave; prolonged absence |
续篇 xù piān | sequel; continuation (of a story) |
不连续 bù lián xù | discontinuous; discrete |
不连续面 bù lián xù miàn | surface of discontinuity |
可持续 kě chí xù | sustainable |
可持续发展 kě chí xù fā zhǎn | sustainable development |