continue, carry on; succeed

HSK 4 #552


  • continue, carry on
  • succeed
  • to continue
  • to replenish


续 stroke order diagram
续 stroke order animation


cún xù to continue to exist
性植物人状态 chí xù xìng zhí wù rén zhuàng tài persistent vegetative state
性植物状态 chí xù xìng zhí wù zhuàng tài persistent vegetative state (medicine)
时间 chí xù shí jiān duration
duàn xù intermittent
时断时 shí duàn shí xù stopping and starting; intermittent; sporadic; on and off
yǒng xù sustainable; perpetual
登机手 dēng jī shǒu xù (airport) check-in; boarding formalities
登机手柜台 dēng jī shǒu xù guì tái check-in counter
绝对连 jué duì lián xù absolutely continuous (math.)
作 xù zuò sequel
保 xù bǎo renewal of insurance
增 xù zēng addition; appendix; addendum
娶 xù qǔ to remarry
弦 xù xián to remarry (of a widow); second wife; qin and se 琴瑟[qin2 se4], two string instruments as a symbol of marital harmony
书 xù shū sequel; continuation of a book
杯 xù bēi to refill (a beverage cup)
发感染 xù fā gǎn rǎn secondary infection
约 xù yuē to renew or extend a contract
编 xù biān sequel; continuation (of a serial publication)
xù xù continuous; on and on; running
航 xù háng endurance; long-term continuous travel or use
西游记 xù xī yóu jì one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记
跌 xù diē to continue to fall (of share prices)
随子 xù suí zi caper (Capparis spinosa)