continue, carry on; succeed


  • continue, carry on
  • succeed
  • to continue
  • to replenish


不連 bù lián xù discontinuous; discrete
不連面 bù lián xù miàn surface of discontinuity
可持 kě chí xù sustainable
可持發展 kě chí xù fā zhǎn sustainable development
cún xù to continue to exist
yán xù to continue; to go on; to last
dài xù to be continued
hòu xù follow-up; (dialect) to remarry
shǒu xù procedure; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; formalities
費 shǒu xù fèi service charge; processing fee; commission
chí xù to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation
性植物人狀態 chí xù xìng zhí wù rén zhuàng tài persistent vegetative state
性植物狀態 chí xù xìng zhí wù zhuàng tài persistent vegetative state (medicine)
時間 chí xù shí jiān duration
jiē xù to follow; to continue
斷斷 duàn duàn xù xù intermittent; off and on; discontinuous; stop-go; stammering; disjointed; inarticulate
duàn xù intermittent
時斷時 shí duàn shí xù stopping and starting; intermittent; sporadic; on and off
yǒng xù sustainable; perpetual
狗尾貂 gǒu wěi xù diāo lit. to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur (idiom); fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece
登機手 dēng jī shǒu xù (airport) check-in; boarding formalities
登機手櫃檯 dēng jī shǒu xù guì tái check-in counter
絕對連 jué duì lián xù absolutely continuous (math.)
jì xù to continue; to proceed with; to go on with
作 xù zuò sequel
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