HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1053rd character |
RADICAL | ⼶ (55.4) |
INDEX # | 600 |
do, play or fiddle with; alley
弄 nòng |
弄 lòng |

玩弄 wán nòng | to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to |
弄清 nòng qīng | to clarify; to fully understand |
愚弄 yú nòng | to make a fool out of; to fool; to dupe |
捉弄 zhuō nòng | to tease |
糊弄 hù nong | to fool; to deceive; to go through the motions |
摆弄 bǎi nòng | to move back and forth; to fiddle with |
戏弄 xì nòng | to play tricks on; to make fun of; to tease |
嘲弄 cháo nòng | to tease; to poke fun at; to make fun of |
卖弄 mài nong | to show off; to make a display of |
里弄 lǐ lòng | lanes and alleys; neighborhood; lane neighborhoods in parts of Shanghai, with modified Chinese courtyard houses, occupied by single families in the 1930s, now crowded with multiple families |
作弄 zuò nòng | to tease; to play tricks on |
耍弄 shuǎ nòng | to play with; to engage in; to resort to; to dally with |
拨弄 bō nòng | to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc); to fiddle with; to stir up |
弄巧成拙 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō | to overreach oneself; to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face |
搔首弄姿 sāo shǒu nòng zī | to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom) |
搬弄是非 bān nòng shì fēi | to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people; to tell tales; to make mischief |
装神弄鬼 zhuāng shén nòng guǐ | lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify; to deceive people; to scam |
故弄玄虚 gù nòng xuán xū | deliberately mystifying; to make sth unnecessarily complicated |
弄虚作假 nòng xū zuò jiǎ | to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery |
弄僵 nòng jiāng | to bring to deadlock; to result in a stalemate |
弄堂 lòng táng | (dialect) alley; lane |
挤眉弄眼 jǐ méi nòng yǎn | to make eyes; to wink |
班门弄斧 bān mén nòng fǔ | to display one's slight skill before an expert (idiom) |
逗弄 dòu nòng | to tease; to provoke; to play with (a child, animal etc) |
弄臣 nòng chén | emperor's favorite courtier |