
do, play or fiddle with; alley

HSK 4 #1053


弄 nòng
  • to do
  • to manage
  • to handle
  • to play with
  • to fool with
  • to mess with
  • to fix
  • to toy with
  • old variant of 弄[nong4]
弄 lòng
  • lane
  • alley
  • variant of 弄[long4]


弄 stroke order diagram
弄 stroke order animation


含饴孙 hán yí nòng sūn lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom); fig. to enjoy a happy and leisurely old age
pán nòng to play around with; to fidget; to fondle
wǔ nòng to wave; to brandish
tiáo nòng to tease; to make fun of; to provoke; to stir up (trouble)
丢眉色 diū méi nòng sè to wink at sb
丟眉色 diū méi nòng sè to wink at sb
shì nòng to look after; to tend (one's crops, garden, livestock, pets etc); to repair
wǔ nòng to mock; to bully and insult
dǎo nong to move (things around); to buy and sell at a profit (derog.)
吟风月 yín fēng nòng yuè lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)
吟風月 yín fēng nòng yuè lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)
含飴孫 hán yí nòng sūn lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom); fig. to enjoy a happy and leisurely old age
hū nòng to fool; to deceive
hǔ nòng to fool; to deceive
xiàng lòng alley; lane
不懂 nòng bu dǒng unable to make sense of (sth)
不清 nòng bu qīng unable to figure out
丢 nòng diū to lose
丟 nòng diū to lose
乱 nòng luàn to mess up; to put into disorder; to meddle with; to confuse
亂 nòng luàn to mess up; to put into disorder; to meddle with; to confuse
假成真 nòng jiǎ chéng zhēn pretense that turns into reality (idiom); to play at make-believe, but accidentally make it true
伤 nòng shāng to bruise; to hurt (something)
傷 nòng shāng to bruise; to hurt (something)
到 nòng dào to get hold of; to obtain; to secure; to come by