HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 564th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.11) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3174 |
examine, investigate; notice
察 chá |

警察 jǐng chá | police; police officer; CL:個|个[ge4] |
观察 guān chá | to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:個|个[ge4] |
考察 kǎo chá | to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-spot investigation |
检察官 jiǎn chá guān | public prosecutor; public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both criminal investigation and public prosecution) |
警察局 jǐng chá jú | police station; police department; police headquarters |
察觉 chá jué | to sense; to perceive; to become aware of; to detect |
督察 dū chá | to supervise; to superintend; inspector; censorship |
侦察 zhēn chá | to investigate a crime; to scout; to reconnoiter; reconnaissance; detection; a scout |
检察院 jiǎn chá yuàn | prosecutor's office; procuratorate |
觉察 jué chá | to sense; to perceive; to come to realize; to be aware |
察看 chá kàn | to watch; to look carefully at |
洞察力 dòng chá lì | insight |
监察 jiān chá | to supervise; to control |
视察 shì chá | to inspect; an investigation |
侦察兵 zhēn chá bīng | a scout; spy |
观察力 guān chá lì | power of observation; perception |
观察员 guān chá yuán | observer |
检察 jiǎn chá | to inspect; (law) to prosecute; to investigate |
勘察 kān chá | to reconnoiter; to explore; to survey |
侦察机 zhēn chá jī | surveillance aircraft; spy plane |
洞察 dòng chá | to see clearly |
观察家 guān chá jiā | observer; The Observer (UK newspaper) |
警察署 jǐng chá shǔ | police station |
纠察 jiū chá | to maintain order; steward (policing a meeting) |
侦察员 zhēn chá yuán | detective; investigator; scout; spy |