numerary adjunct for trees

HSK 4 #2108


棵 kē
  • classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc



不要在一树上吊死 bù yào zài yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom); there's more than one way to skin a cat
不要在一樹上吊死 bù yào zài yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom); there's more than one way to skin a cat
菜 tā kē cài Brassica narinosa (broadbeaked mustard); Chinese flat cabbage
fā kē budding
fā kē budding
yī kē one (tree); a measure word used for trees or plants
jǐ kē several trees
树 yī kē shù a tree; referring to a single tree, often emphasizing its individuality or distinctness in a specific context
zhè kē this (specific) tree; '这' means 'this' and '棵' is a measure word for trees or plants
měi kē each tree
nà kē that tree; refers to a specific individual tree in a designated context
树 yì kē shù a tree; referring specifically to one individual tree
yì kē one; a measure word for trees and plants, indicating a single tree in this context
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