HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 688th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1827 |
obtain, get, receive; seize
- obtain, get, receive
- seize
- to catch
- to obtain
- to capture
- to reap
- to harvest

获得 huò dé | to obtain; to receive; to get |
收获 shōu huò | variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4]; to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward |
查获 chá huò | to track down and seize (a criminal suspect, contraband etc) |
获胜 huò shèng | victorious; to win; to triumph |
获取 huò qǔ | to gain; to get; to acquire |
一无所获 yī wú suǒ huò | to gain nothing; to end up empty-handed |
获奖 huò jiǎng | to win an award |
获救 huò jiù | to rescue; to be rescued |
获得者 huò dé zhě | recipient |
获利 huò lì | profit; to obtain benefits; benefits obtained |
截获 jié huò | to intercept; to cut off and capture |
捕获 bǔ huò | to catch; to capture; to seize |
俘获 fú huò | to capture (enemy property or personnel); capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus) |
抓获 zhuā huò | to arrest |
获准 huò zhǔn | to obtain permission |
获奖者 huò jiǎng zhě | prize-winner; laureate |
获悉 huò xī | to learn of sth; to find out; to get news |
获益 huò yì | to profit from sth; to get benefit |
获释 huò shì | freed (from prison); to obtain release |
破获 pò huò | to uncover (a criminal plot); to break open and capture |
不劳而获 bù láo ér huò | to reap without sowing (idiom) |
缴获 jiǎo huò | to capture; to seize |
获知 huò zhī | to learn of (an event); to hear about (sth) |
荣获 róng huò | be honored with |
擒获 qín huò | to apprehend; to capture; to seize |