
obtain, get, receive; seize


  • obtain, get, receive
  • seize
  • to catch
  • to obtain
  • to capture
  • to reap
  • to harvest


一無所 yī wú suǒ huò to gain nothing; to end up empty-handed
不勞無 bù láo wú huò no pain, no gain (idiom)
不勞而 bù láo ér huò to reap without sowing (idiom)
不求收 bù qiú shōu huò not expecting any reward; not asking for favors
中子俘 zhōng zǐ fú huò neutron capture
人贓俱 rén zāng jù huò (of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods; to be caught red-handed
fú huò to capture (enemy property or personnel); capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus)
全勝 dà huò quán shèng to seize total victory (idiom); an overwhelming victory; to win by a landslide (in election)
至寶 rú huò zhì bǎo as if gaining the most precious treasure
xún huò to find; to track down; to recover (sth lost)
jié huò to intercept; to cut off and capture
chāo huò to search and seize
zhuā huò to arrest
shí huò to find; to pick up; to obtain
ná huò to capture; to apprehend
zhuō huò to capture
bǔ huò to catch; to capture; to seize
jiē huò to receive (a call, report etc)
sōu huò to find; to capture (after search); to uncover (evidence)
lǔ huò to capture a prisoner; to take sb captive
qín huò to apprehend; to capture; to seize
shōu huò variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4]; to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward
chá huò to track down and seize (a criminal suspect, contraband etc)
róng huò be honored with
准 huò zhǔn to obtain permission
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