HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1219th character |
RADICAL | ⼯ (48.2) |
INDEX # | 197 |
skillful, ingenious, clever
- skillful, ingenious, clever
- opportunely
- coincidentally
- as it happens
- skillful
- timely

巧克力 qiǎo kè lì | chocolate (loanword); CL:塊|块[kuai4] |
巧妙 qiǎo miào | ingenious; clever; ingenuity; artifice |
技巧 jì qiǎo | skill; technique |
恰巧 qià qiǎo | fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence |
巧合 qiǎo hé | coincidence; coincidental; to coincide |
碰巧 pèng qiǎo | by chance; by coincidence; to happen to |
凑巧 còu qiǎo | fortuitously; luckily; as chance has it |
正巧 zhèng qiǎo | just by chance; to happen to (just at the right time); opportune |
不巧 bù qiǎo | too bad; unfortunately; as luck would have it |
小巧 xiǎo qiǎo | small and exquisite; delicate; fine (features); compact; nifty |
轻巧 qīng qiǎo | dexterous; deft; easy; light and easy to use; nimble; agile; lithe; graceful |
精巧 jīng qiǎo | elaborate |
灵巧 líng qiǎo | deft; nimble; ingenious |
刚巧 gāng qiǎo | by chance; by coincidence; by good luck |
熟能生巧 shú néng shēng qiǎo | with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect |
投机取巧 tóu jī qǔ qiǎo | to seize every opportunity; to be full of tricks |
乖巧 guāi qiǎo | clever (child); smart; lovable; cute |
弄巧成拙 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō | to overreach oneself; to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face |
巧舌如簧 qiǎo shé rú huáng | lit. to have a tongue like a reed (idiom); fig. to have a glib tongue |
巧手 qiǎo shǒu | skillful hands; dexterous; a dab hand |
巧妇 qiǎo fù | clever wife; ingenious housewife; Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) |
心灵手巧 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo | capable; clever; dexterous |
花言巧语 huā yán qiǎo yǔ | graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric |
讨巧 tǎo qiǎo | to act cleverly to get what one desires; to get the best at least expense |
小巧玲珑 xiǎo qiǎo líng lóng | dainty and delicate; exquisite |