HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 814th character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2626 |
scenery, view; conditions
景 jǐng |

景色 jǐng sè | scenery; scene; landscape; view |
背景 bèi jǐng | background; backdrop; context; (fig.) powerful backer; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
风景 fēng jǐng | scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4] |
情景 qíng jǐng | scene; spectacle; circumstances; situation |
前景 qián jǐng | foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective |
场景 chǎng jǐng | scene; scenario; setting |
景象 jǐng xiàng | scene; sight (to behold) |
布景 bù jǐng | (stage) set |
美景 měi jǐng | beautiful scenery |
不景气 bù jǐng qì | slack; in a slump |
景观 jǐng guān | landscape |
海景 hǎi jǐng | seascape; sea view |
景点 jǐng diǎn | scenic spot; place of interest (tourism) |
景仰 jǐng yǎng | to admire; to revere; to look up to |
煞风景 shā fēng jǐng | to be an eyesore; (fig.) to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket |
全景 quán jǐng | panoramic view |
远景 yuǎn jǐng | prospect; long-range view |
光景 guāng jǐng | circumstances; scene; about; probably |
景致 jǐng zhì | view; scenery; scene |
夜景 yè jǐng | nightscape |
好景不长 hǎo jǐng bù cháng | a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom) |
应景 yìng jǐng | according with the times; seasonal |
景气 jǐng qì | (of economy, business etc) flourishing; prosperous |
盆景 pén jǐng | bonsai; landscape in a pot |
触景生情 chù jǐng shēng qíng | scene which recalls past memories (idiom); evocative of the past; reminiscent; to arouse deep feelings |