HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 755th character |
RADICAL | ⼉ (10.5) |
INDEX # | 810 |
spare; excuse from; evade
免 miǎn |
免 wèn |

免费 miǎn fèi | free (of charge) |
避免 bì miǎn | to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from |
难免 nán miǎn | hard to avoid; difficult to escape from; will inevitably |
免得 miǎn de | so as not to; so as to avoid |
免疫 miǎn yì | immunity (to disease) |
以免 yǐ miǎn | in order to avoid; so as not to |
未免 wèi miǎn | unavoidably; can't help; really; rather |
不免 bù miǎn | inevitably |
豁免 huò miǎn | to exempt; exemption |
豁免权 huò miǎn quán | immunity from prosecution |
赦免 shè miǎn | to pardon; to absolve; to exempt from punishment |
不可避免 bù kě bì miǎn | unavoidably |
幸免 xìng miǎn | narrowly and luckily escape |
免受 miǎn shòu | to avoid suffering; to prevent (sth bad); to protect against (damage); immunity (from prosecution); freedom (from pain, damage etc); exempt from punishment |
免除 miǎn chú | to prevent; to avoid; to excuse; to exempt; to relieve; (of a debt) to remit |
免税 miǎn shuì | not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc); tax free; duty free (shop) |
免于 miǎn yú | to be saved from; to be spared (something) |
免遭 miǎn zāo | to avoid suffering; to avoid meeting (a fatal accident); spared |
在所难免 zài suǒ nán miǎn | to be unavoidable (idiom) |
免不了 miǎn bù liǎo | unavoidable; can't be avoided |
免疫力 miǎn yì lì | immunity |
减免 jiǎn miǎn | to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment, rent, tuition etc) |
免职 miǎn zhí | to relieve sb of his post; to sack; to demote; dismissal; sacking |
免掉 miǎn diào | to eliminate; to scrap |
罢免 bà miǎn | to remove sb from their post; to dismiss |