HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 1110th character |
RADICAL | ⽥ (102.0) |
INDEX # | 240 |
to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch
- to state to a superior, report
- extend
- 9th terrestrial branch
- old name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]
- surname Shen
- to extend
- to state
- to explain
- 9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar month (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey
- ancient Chinese compass point: 240°

申请 shēn qǐng | to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份[fen4] |
申报 shēn bào | to report (to the authorities); to declare (to customs) |
申请表 shēn qǐng biǎo | application form |
重申 chóng shēn | to reaffirm; to reiterate |
申诉 shēn sù | to file a complaint; to appeal (to an authority, a higher court of justice etc); complaint; appeal |
申明 shēn míng | to declare; to aver; to state formally |
申请书 shēn qǐng shū | application; application form; petition (to higher authorities) |
申请人 shēn qǐng rén | applicant |
申辩 shēn biàn | to defend oneself; to rebut a charge |
申述 shēn shù | to state; to assert; to allege; to specify |
引申 yǐn shēn | to extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc); derivation |
申冤 shēn yuān | to appeal for justice; to demand redress for a grievance |
申斥 shēn chì | to rebuke; to blame; to denounce |
引申义 yǐn shēn yì | extended meaning (of an expression); derived sense |
申购 shēn gòu | to ask to buy; to bid for purchase |
阿留申群岛 ā liú shēn qún dǎo | Aleutian Islands (trailing 2250 km southwest of Alaska almost down to Kamtchatka) |
申报单 shēn bào dān | declaration form |
申讨 shēn tǎo | to denounce |
三令五申 sān lìng wǔ shēn | to order again and again (idiom) |
丙申 bǐng shēn | thirty-third year C9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1956 or 2016 |
伊留申 yī liú shēn | Ilyushin, Russian plane maker |
壬申 rén shēn | ninth year I9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1992 or 2052 |
奉申贺敬 fèng shēn hè jìng | polite congratulations (i.e. on a greeting card) |
奉申賀敬 fèng shēn hè jìng | polite congratulations (i.e. on a greeting card) |
季莫申科 jì mò shēn kē | Tymoshenko (name); Yulia Tymoshenko (1960-), Ukrainian politician |