HSK | 4 |
FREQUENCY | 498th character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.10) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2476 |
follow, listen to, submit to
- follow, listen to, submit to
- surname Sui
- to follow
- to comply with
- varying according to...
- to allow
- subsequently

随便 suí biàn | as one wishes; as one pleases; at random; negligent; casual; wanton |
随着 suí zhe | along with; in the wake of; following |
随时 suí shí | at any time; at all times; at the right time |
随身 suí shēn | to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one |
随手 suí shǒu | conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing |
随意 suí yì | as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious |
跟随 gēn suí | to follow |
伴随 bàn suí | to accompany; to follow; to occur together with; concomitant |
随即 suí jí | immediately; presently; following which |
随后 suí hòu | soon after |
随机 suí jī | according to the situation; pragmatic; random |
随心所欲 suí xīn suǒ yù | to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases (idiom) |
追随 zhuī suí | to follow; to accompany |
追随者 zhuī suí zhě | follower; adherent; following |
随时随地 suí shí suí dì | anytime and anywhere |
尾随 wěi suí | to tail behind; to tag along; to follow on the heels of |
随从 suí cóng | to accompany; to follow; to attend; entourage; attendant |
随之 suí zhī | thereupon; subsequently; accordingly |
随口 suí kǒu | (speak) without thinking the matter through |
随和 suí hé | amiable; easy-going |
随机应变 suí jī yìng biàn | to change according to the situation (idiom); pragmatic |
随行 suí xíng | to accompany |
随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào | to be available at any time; to be on call |
随地 suí dì | according to the location; everywhere; any place; from any location; from wherever you like |
随处 suí chù | everywhere; anywhere |