HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 464th character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.7) |
INDEX # | 1732 |
eliminate, remove, except
除 chú |

除了 chú le | besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for) |
除非 chú fēi | only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless |
删除 shān chú | to delete; to cancel |
除夕 chú xī | lunar New Year's Eve |
开除 kāi chú | to expel (a member of an organization); to fire (an employee) |
排除 pái chú | to eliminate; to remove; to exclude; to rule out |
解除 jiě chú | to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement) |
清除 qīng chú | to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of |
消除 xiāo chú | to eliminate; to remove |
废除 fèi chú | to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal |
除掉 chú diào | to eliminate |
切除 qiē chú | to excise; to cut out (a tumor) |
除此之外 chú cǐ zhī wài | apart from this; in addition to this |
除去 chú qù | to eliminate; to remove; except for; apart from |
拆除 chāi chú | to tear down; to demolish; to dismantle; to remove |
铲除 chǎn chú | to root out; to eradicate; to sweep away; to abolish |
去除 qù chú | to remove; to dislodge |
除外 chú wài | to exclude; not including sth (when counting or listing); except for |
免除 miǎn chú | to prevent; to avoid; to excuse; to exempt; to relieve; (of a debt) to remit |
摘除 zhāi chú | to excise; to remove an organ |
扣除 kòu chú | to deduct |
除名 chú míng | to strike off (the rolls); to remove from a list; to expunge; to expel |
除臭剂 chú chòu jì | deodorant |
扫除 sǎo chú | to sweep; to clean with a brush; to sweep away (often fig.) |
破除 pò chú | to eliminate; to do away with; to get rid of |