HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2818th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2540 |
rub, massage; crush by hand
- rub, massage
- crush by hand
- to knead
- to massage
- to rub

揉搓 róu cuo | to rub; to torment; to torture |
矫揉造作 jiǎo róu zào zuò | pretension; affectation; putting on artificial airs |
掰开揉碎 bāi kāi róu suì | lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp; fig. to analyze minutely from every angle; to chew sth over |
掰開揉碎 bāi kāi róu suì | lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp; fig. to analyze minutely from every angle; to chew sth over |
揉制 róu zhì | to knead (leather) |
揉合 róu hé | to blend |
揉和 róu hé | to knead (clay) |
揉碎 róu suì | to crush; to crumble into pieces |
揉磨 róu mo | to torment; to torture |
搓揉 cuō róu | to knead; to rub |
眼里揉不得沙子 yǎn lǐ róu bu dé shā zi | see 眼裡容不得沙子|眼里容不得沙子[yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5] |
眼裡揉不得沙子 yǎn lǐ róu bu dé shā zi | see 眼裡容不得沙子|眼里容不得沙子[yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5] |
众说纷揉 zhòng shuō fēn róu | lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ; controversial matters |
眾說紛揉 zhòng shuō fēn róu | lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ; controversial matters |
矯揉造作 jiǎo róu zào zuò | pretension; affectation; putting on artificial airs |
任揉任 rèn róu rèn | allowing to be rubbed or touched as pleased |
揉捏 róu niē | to knead; to rub; to massage; to twist |