smash, crush, break; pound, mash

HSK 6 #2456


  • smash, crush, break
  • pound, mash
  • to smash
  • to pound
  • to fail
  • to muck up
  • to bungle



烂 zá làn to smash
碎 zá suì to pulverize; to smash to bits
锅卖铁 zá guō mài tiě to be willing to sacrifice everything one has (idiom)
乱石死 luàn shí zá sǐ to stone to death
亂石死 luàn shí zá sǐ to stone to death
小婊 xiǎo biǎo zá (slang) little biyatch (variation of 小婊子)
dǎ zá to smash up; to vandalize
gǎo zá to mess (sth) up; to foul up; to spoil
搬石头自己的脚 bān shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to move a stone and stub one's toe; to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)
搬石頭自己的腳 bān shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to move a stone and stub one's toe; to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)
搬砖脚 bān zhuān zá jiǎo to hurt oneself by one's own doing; to boomerang; to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)
搬磚腳 bān zhuān zá jiǎo to hurt oneself by one's own doing; to boomerang; to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)
搬起石头自己的脚 bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom); hoisted by one's own petard
搬起石頭自己的腳 bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom); hoisted by one's own petard
夯 zá hāng to pound the earth to make a building foundation
死 zá sǐ to crush to death
毁 zá huǐ to destroy; to smash
毀 zá huǐ to destroy; to smash
爛 zá làn to smash
破 zá pò to break; to shatter
锅 zá guō to fail
鍋 zá guō to fail
鍋賣鐵 zá guō mài tiě to be willing to sacrifice everything one has (idiom)
出 zá chū smash out; to break or create an indentation by impact, often forcefully enough to cause damage or a mark
过来 zá guò lái crash over; referring to something coming towards someone or something with force, as if to hit or collide
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