HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2154th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2844 |
spread out, open; apportion
摊 tān |

烂摊子 làn tān zi | terrible mess; shambles |
摊牌 tān pái | to lay one's cards on the table |
报摊 bào tān | newsstand |
摊子 tān zi | booth; vendor's stall; organizational structure; scale of operations |
摊位 tān wèi | vendor's booth |
小摊 xiǎo tān | vendor's stall |
分摊 fēn tān | to share (costs, responsibilities); to apportion |
平摊 píng tān | to spread out; (fig.) to share equally |
货摊 huò tān | vendor's stall |
地摊 dì tān | street stall with goods laid out on the ground |
摆摊 bǎi tān | to set up a vendor's stall in the street |
摊派 tān pài | to apportion expenses, responsibilities etc; to demand contributions |
摊贩 tān fàn | stallkeeper; peddler |
摊点 tān diǎn | place for a vendor's stall |
均摊 jūn tān | to share equally; to distribute evenly |
报刊摊 bào kān tān | newsstand |
小摊儿 xiǎo tān r | erhua variant of 小攤|小摊[xiao3 tan1] |
撂地摊 liào dì tān | see 撂地[liao4 di4] |
摆地摊 bǎi dì tān | lit. to set up a stall on the ground; fig. to start up a new business |
摆摊子 bǎi tān zi | to set up a stall; to maintain a large staff and organization |
摊事儿 tān shì r | (coll.) to get into trouble |
摊儿 tān r | erhua variant of 攤|摊[tan1] |
摊售 tān shòu | to set up stall |
摊商 tān shāng | stallkeeper; street peddler |
摊提 tān tí | to amortize; amortization |