HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2991st character |
RADICAL | ⽯ (112.10) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3225 |
hit; collide, knock into; sound
磕 kē |
磕 kè |

磕磕绊绊 kē ke bàn bàn | bumpy (of a road); limping (of a person) |
磕头 kē tóu | to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground) |
磕碰 kē pèng | to knock against; to bump into; to have a disagreement; to clash |
死磕 sǐ kē | (coll.) to fight to the death |
磕磕 kē kē | (onom.) knocking |
磕磕巴巴 kē kē bā bā | stammering; stuttering; not speaking fluently |
磕磕絆絆 kē ke bàn bàn | bumpy (of a road); limping (of a person) |
磕膝盖 kē xī gài | (dialect) knee |
磕膝蓋 kē xī gài | (dialect) knee |
磕頭 kē tóu | to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground) |
磕头如捣蒜 kè tóu rú dǎo suàn | lit. to kowtow like grinding garlic (idiom); fig. to pound the ground with one's head |
磕頭如搗蒜 kè tóu rú dǎo suàn | lit. to kowtow like grinding garlic (idiom); fig. to pound the ground with one's head |
磕巴 kē bā | to stammer; to stutter; to speak with hesitation or difficulty |
磕成 kē chéng | knocked into; bumped into and transformed into; metaphorically used to describe a situation that changes abruptly or dramatically |